
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Me, Myself, and Lies

For those of you familiar with Beth Moore she is coordinating a summer Bible study for those who follow her blog. I am planning on following along. I just ordered Me, Myself, and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild which is the Bible study that Beth has picked for this summer. I feel that in a lot of ways I need to go through this one. Here is a description of the Bible study....
"This six-week Bible study for women encourages them to clean out the junk in their thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with positive truths from God’s word. Rather than struggling with self-esteem, body image, stress and other unhealthy thoughts and emotions learn to replace the lies you may have been telling yourself with the truth from God’s word."

1 comment

  1. Hi Debbie, We'd love for you to join our Small Group online. We start June 23 with Beth Moore. Blessings!
