
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let the Gardening Begin!!

Well, this is the weekend that I finally get to work in the garden. I already have strawberry and rhubarb plants up (nothing to harvest yet). I turned over all the dirt in the garden to get it ready. Although we can't leave plants out yet (still too cold at night), I can plant seeds. I have planted a container of carrots. These carrots are called Parisian Market and are ball-shaped which mean container gardening will work for them. Slowly over this next week I will continue to plant seeds.
Here is a cute idea I found at Make and Takes. Zach and I spent some time making garden markers out of foam and popsicle sticks.Here is one of the strawberry markers Zach made. I know you can't see any strawberry plants, but I assure you they are there!! And as you can see I still need to clear out some debris (leaves and the like) out of the strawberry plot. Here is Zach's mega carrot sign! The irony is that these will be the smallest carrots we grow (the ball-shaped ones). We will also grow scarlett nantes and multi-colored ones.My garden plans in picture form.

I will have the most containers this year ever. I have four zucchini plants in pots that we still have to pull in each night. I am scared that I might be overrun by zukes come August so we will see! Eventually I will transplant the bell peppers (there will be five of those plants). I also have basil and cilantro growing in other pots.
Can't wait until it is all in!!!!

1 comment

  1. your little signs look great!! :) Can't wait to see your garden progress!
