
Friday, April 24, 2009


We recently have started using SpellQuizzer with our regular spelling curriculum, Spelling Power. SpellQuizzer isn't a spelling curriculum, but rather a spelling software to help quiz kids on their spelling words. You can use SpellQuizzer with any spelling curriculum. Basically, you download the program and then create your spelling lists that you want your child to work on. You do this by typing in the word and recording in your own voice the word along with a sentence that uses that word. A child can then practice their words by listening to you say the word and sentence and then he/she types in the word. SpellQuizzer lets the child know if they spelled it right and shows them the correct spelling if it wasn't spelled right. It will then automatically retest the words that he missed.

There are some nice features to SpellQuizzer than I have come to appreciate. One is that as I create my lists and have mistyped something the program will let me know. The program recognizes both US and UK English spellings. I have loved the fact that I can make my recordings humorous and enjoyable for my son. Since I am recording the words and sentences I can relate them to his life and what we have been doing lately. I have read that you can also share your spelling lists with other SpellQuizzer users. Although I haven't done this yet, I can see where this would be a benefit to a busy mom. Moms could share the work of creating lists. There are also downloadable spelling lists that you can use. See here. The other feature that I like is that SpellQuizzer automatically will show my son the correct spelling of a word he missed. I love the fact that I am not having to be the one to point out his mistakes and correct him each time! SpellQuizzer has also been a time saver for older son can work on spelling without me while I work with his younger brother.

I found the instructions and tips in the program useful and easy to understand. I had no problems setting everything up and getting it all to work. I really appreciate a program that is so easy to use. You will need a microphone for the program in order to record, but I was able to pick one up for under $10.

I am thinking that there may even be other possible uses for SpellQuizzer like quizzing my kids on science vocabulary. I can record a definition and they can type in their one word answers. We are doing zoology next year so that might be extremely helpful to quiz them with SpellQuizzer. We are definitely going to explore this option next school year!

You can download SpellQuizzer for $29.95 at the SpellQuizzer site. There is also a page on how SpellQuizzer can work for homeschoolers. Check it out!

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