
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Helen Keller Unit

We will be starting out Beyond Five in a Row unit for Helen Keller soon. Here are some cool resources I found that we will use. Most of these have to do with blindness, the eye, and Braille.
Braille for the Sighted is an activity book to teach kids the basics of Braille. There are lots of puzzles and games to do to help kids become familiar with the Braille system.I bought this eye model from Rainbow Resource. We haven't tried to put it together yet. There are different pieces/layers that fit together. It also comes with a little book that gives more information about the eye and how it works. These models look so cool! There are several of them available. The company that makes them is Ein-O Science (Tedco Toys). Here are their anatomy models. Here are their cell models.

Here are some web resources that we will be using....

Braille Bug-This site has information on Braille, Helen Keller, and Louis Braille. There are online activities to learn more about Braille. And you can even order a free Braille alphabet card!

National Eye Institute-Wonderful eye diagram

Perkins School for the Blind-Where you can order informational packets

Some interesting visual perception exercises

During our study we will be using Study Starters which you can buy for $5. Study Starters are notebooking pages that you can use with any unit study. They are well worth the money. I am excited that I found these since they can be used with whatever you are studying!

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