
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Awesome 100% Whole Wheat Bread

I have been searching for a whole wheat bread recipe that would consistently work and create nice soft bread. Well, I think I have finally found it!!!!! A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me the trick of making sure that the water you use in your bread is extra hot (around 120 degrees). This greatly improved the rising capability of the dough. She also told me to mix the bread in my Kitchen Aid (unfortunately I still don't have a Bosch) for about 10 minutes before adding the last bit of flour. Both these methods greatly improve the bread's texture.
Just last week I found a recipe on Everyday Food Storage that has worked every time for me in making bread! You need some slightly different ingredients to make this work...maybe some things you haven't thought of putting in bread dough before....vital wheat gluten (I have been using this for years), potato flakes, and vinegar! These are basically dough enhancers....the gluten makes the dough stronger so that it will hold together. The potato flakes prevent the bubbles created by the yeast from popping, and the vinegar strengthens the bubbles. Check out this will see a bread handout that you can download and print. In there on the first page is the EZ Whole Wheat Bread recipe that has worked so well for me.

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