
Sunday, March 1, 2009

How was February? (Goals for 2009)

Here is how February went for me...

Weight Loss-I am down about 5 or 6 pounds since I started losing weight.

Bible Verse Memorization-This has been slow going this month....I memorized only a couple of verses. I think I have been sidetracked with other projects and therefore, forget to work on them.

Scrapbooking-I haven't done anything in our family albums except to get some pictures developed! Hardly what I would call working on an album! But I did complete a gift album that I will be giving to a dear friend later this month.

Patience-This has gone much better this month! I am learning to accept that not everything can be done as quickly as I hoped. Patience with the boys has been a lot better even though we have had some struggles discipline wise.

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