
Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Hickory Chair

We have been working on rowing The Hickory Chair which is a Five in a Row Volume 4 unit. Noah just completed his lapbook for the book. Here are some pictures. Thanks to Ami from Homeschool Share for making the booklets. The booklet "Places the Grandchildren found notes" is a pop-up booklet. See next picture. Not the greatest of photos, but you get the idea.

We used a mini file folder (available at Tobin's Lab) for our information on Louis Braille. You can open up the file folder and see the Braille alphabet and information on its inventor.

1 comment

  1. Debbie!

    Thanks for sharing these pictures. :) Your lapbook turned out very well. I love the little yellow file folder!

    I hope you had a fantastic study together! :-) Ami
