
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Grammar Game

I just received my order from Bare Books, and I am so impressed with the quality of the materials! I ordered some spiral notebooks...I am thinking that we are going to do some of our lapbooking in these. I bought the really large spiral books and then a smaller size.
I also bought a game board. I am really impressed with it and wish that I had ordered more! For only $3.95 I got a really nice quality game board. I decided to make a grammar game for the boys. For Zach this game will be more of a review, but this is some of what Noah is learning in First Language Lessons this year. I made a parts of speech game. I decorated the middle of the board using pigment ink and a frog stamp. I let it dry overnight since it seems to take pigment ink forever to dry. I then put the parts of speech in the spaces along the edge: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. I then made cards with sentences on them (all relating to frogs or quotes from Frog and Toad). I underlined a word in the sentence. Here is an example: "Toad thought about giant sunflowers." If someone picks this card he will have to figure out what part of speech "giant" is and then go to the next space on the board marked "adjective". I also put a few cards in there saying, "Hop back two spaces.", "Hop to the next noun space.", "Hop forward 1 space." The object of the game is to be the first to go around the board.

I got this game idea from a great book called Games...Tools for Learning by Janice and Mark Vreeland. I have used this book for several has ideas for board games, card games, and my favorite...what I would call the "honeycomb game". This book has well been worth the price if you want to incorporate learning games into your school day. The book is available at Rainbow Resource.


  1. Wow. That really is worth $4! I'm impressed. I can imagine so many fun things to do with those game boards!

  2. NEAT game! And, thanks for link to buying a blank gameboard. That could be really useful!

  3. Oh my goodness! My little boy would LOVE those game boards. He makes his own now on paper but they are so hard to keep nice. Shh, I think he will be getting these for Christmas or his birthday.
