
Thursday, January 15, 2009

God is Beyond Our Imagination!

I sit at the computer right now overwhelmed with emotion....I have finally had a few moments to think...a dear friend of mine lost her house this week to a fire, and although this is terribly tragic, stressful and mind-numbing all I can say is I see God. This is where He showed up....
God was...
*In the saving of every human life that was in the house at the time.
*In providing people at the scene to bring comfort and a presence of love.
*In giving bravery to my friend's son who saved all their pets from the fire.
*In giving wisdom to the father of the family to be fully insured and then some.
*In giving peace to their daughter when she desperately needs it.
*In giving laughter to my friend and a positive attitude that goes beyond comprehension.
*In the multitude of people that have wanted to help.
*In the firefighters that gave their all.
*In the peace that He gives to all in the tragedy...that peace that passes understanding.
*In finding family photos in tact.
*In more than I can even put into words right now....God is "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory... forever and ever." Ephesians 3:20-21

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