
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

99 Outdoor Things to Do

I saw this on Candace's blog, but it originally came from Barb. I have put a star by the ones that I have done.

99 Outdoor Sorts of Things to Do--United States Version
1. Make maple syrup.
2. Stand under a redwood/sequoia.
3. Ski down a mountain.
4. See a saguaro cactus.
5. See an alligator in the wild.
6. Find a shell on a beach. *
7. Skip a rock on a lake. * I have tried does that count?
8. See a sunrise. *
9. Pick an apple from a tree.
10. Grow a sunflower. * They grow big here in Alaska!
11. Sleep under the stars in a sleeping bag.
12. Find the Big Dipper.*
13. Climb a sand dune. *
14. Walk in the rain with or without an umbrella. *
15. Find a fossil.
16. Take a photo of the Grand Canyon.
17. Go to the lowest point of North America-Badwater, CA
18. See a raptor fly. *
19. Be able to identify ten birds.*
20. See a mushroom. *
21. Visit a tide pool. *
22. Visit a volcano. * Seen them from the distance here. Lots of them in southern AK.
23. Feel an earthquake. *
24. See a tornado. *
25. Experience a hurricane.
26. Catch snow on your tongue. *
27. See a deer in the wild. *
28. Touch a dolphin. *
29. Go ice skating on a pond.
30. Go fishing. *
31. Go snorkeling.
32. Whittle a stick.
33. Gather chicken eggs. *
34. Milk a cow or a goat.*
35. Ride a horse. *
36. See a moose. *
37. Gather acorns.*
38. Pick berries and eat some.* Favorite activity here-blueberries, cranberries, raspberries.
39. Watch a lightning storm. *
40. Build a campfire.*
41 Press a flower.*
42. Use binoculars to spot a bird. *
43. Identify five wildflowers. *
44. Take a photo of Half Dome.
45. Find a piece of obsidian.
46. See a tumbleweed. *
47. See a wild snake.*
48. Watch a spider spin a web. *
49. Climb a tree. *
50. Get lost on a hike.
51. Watch ants in a colony. *
52. Hatch a butterfly.
53. Climb a rock. *
54. See the Continental Divide. *
55. See the Northern Lights. *Several times a year.
56. See a bear in the wild. *
57. Dig for worms. *
58. Grow a vegetable and then eat it. *
59. See a bat flying. *
60. Feel a sea star. *
61. Swim in the ocean.*
62. See a geyser erupt.
63. Walk in the fog. *
64. Observe a bee.*
65. Find a bird’s nest. *
66. See a beaver’s den.*
67. Go whale watching. *
68. See a banana slug.
69. Stand on the edge of a cliff.*
70. Blow a dandelion. *
71. Throw a snowball and build a snowman.*
72. Cook an egg on the sidewalk...can you actually do that?
73. See a lightning bug. Or do you call it a firefly?*
74. Visit a cave. *
75. Make a sandcastle. *
76. Hear a cricket. *
77. Catch a frog. *Amazingly there are frogs here in AK and we caught some last year! They freeze over winter and thaw and "come back" to life in the spring.
78. Watch for the first star in the evening.*
79. Smell a skunk. *
80. Feel pine sap. *
81. Feed a duck. *
82. Learn to use a compass or GPS.
83. See a buffalo. *
84. Get wet in a waterfall. *
85. Swim in a lake. *
86. Walk on a log. *
87. Feel moss.*
88. Jump in a pile of leaves. *
89. Fly a kite. *
90. Walk barefoot in the mud. *
91. Hear a sea lion bark. *
92. Hear a coyote.
93. Pan for gold. *
94. Crack open a nut. *
95. Go snowshoeing.
96. Feel a cattail. *
97. Smell a pine forest. *
98. Sit under a palm tree.*
99. Walk across a stream on rocks.*


  1. Okay, so you have seen the Northern Lights too...that doesn't surprise me in your case. :)

    Really interesting about the frogs.

    Thanks for sharing your list!

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom

  2. Looks like you are well on your way to reaching all 99--what fun!

  3. WOW! You've done a lot. I put my answers up on my blog if you're interested in reading. It was very fun to read everyone's responses. I hope you don't mind that I linked to your blog.
    Edwena from HSS and FIAR
