
Monday, December 15, 2008

Scrapbooking Our School

I am about 18 months behind in our scrapbooks (I have three running scrapbooks-a family one and one for each boy). I know that might not seem like that far behind, but I know if I let myself get too far behind I will quit altogether. So I have started scrapbooking again in the hopes of catching up a bit. Here is a page I did this morning about one of our school activities. We use the Five in a Row curriculum in which we read a children's books five days in a row and do laguage arts, math, social studies, art and science activities related to the story. Hanna's Cold Winter has been one of our favorite books. It is about the Budapest Zoo (Hungary) during WWII. The city of Budapest saved their hippos from starvation by collecting straw mats for them to eat.

One of the reasons this became such a special book for us was because there was another Five in a Row family that went to Hungary around the time we rowed the book. They "took Noah along with them" in the form of a Flat Stanley with Noah's picture on it. Noah "visited" all the places in the book and they sent us pictures of the his "trip". They also sent us postcards, forints (Hungarian coins that were mentioned in the story), and a map of the zoo. Thanks once again to the Prior family for doing this for us! It really made the book special!

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