
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nine Years Ago Today...

I found out that we had lost a baby. I was almost 14 weeks along. I went in for a doctor's appointment and it was then that they realized that they couldn't find a heartbeat. I was then sent for an ultrasound which confirmed that the baby's heart was no longer beating. An hour later I had a D and C because based on size they determined that they baby had died earlier in December and my body was still holding onto the pregnancy. This event began a very sad time in my life where I fought off a major bout of depression. Christmas was tough that year....I just didn't want to celebrate it.
But God is faithful...a year later I was eight months pregnant with a boy that would be born in January. There were many miracles that came out of the birth of my second son, how he survived against every obstacle put in front of us...exposure to German measles, problems related to me being rH negative, severe anemia, and early labor. As I look back now, I realize that God was out to bless me through the loss of one child and the birth of another. But I guess that is what Christmas is all about the God's loss of one Child (Jesus) for the birth (rebirth) of other children (us). I now see how fitting that my loss happened around Christmas.

I do still wonder about the baby that I particular I want to know whether it was a boy or a girl. But the answer to that will come in another time. Here is what is posted on another website about the loss of our baby who we eventually named Jordan.


  1. (((Debbie)))

    I remember this so well. Praising God for His faithfulness in your life.

  2. Thanks for sharing your story, Debbie. I, too, have said good-bye to 3 children--only to welcome 3 more children. And you're right: in our loss, we learn to truly appreciate the miracle of new life. May God bless you today and on Christmas. With hugs from a FIAR friend.

  3. Debbie, I am so sorry for your loss. I'm thankful, though, for God's faithfulness. I know that in the hard times He is drawing us to Himself, that is what I have found in my own life.



  4. Thank you for sharing your story. I can only imagine how painful it is.

  5. So sorry Debbie. We've lost 3 babies of our own and it just reminds me to hold the 2 that I have with me a little tighter. There is comfort in knowing that we will have our lost little ones in Heaven, but the loss is always there. Bless you and your family.

  6. (((Hugs))) to you, Debbie, as you remember your Jordan, refelct on God's mercies and long for the day when you are reunited with your little one.
