
Friday, December 26, 2008

Goals for 2009 (HOTM Meme)

I have been thinking of what goals I should have for the New is what I am planning to do.

**Lose 10 lbs. I have been working on this. I haven't gained any weight since Thanksgiving, but haven't really lost either. For me, exercising is not a problem. I get that in 3 to 4 times a week. It is the eating part that I struggle with.

**My goal for 2008 was to read through the Bible. Well, I have almost completed that goal. This comes as a total shock to me that I followed through on this!!!!! I have tried to do this so many times and failed. This year my goal is to listen to the New Testament instead of read the whole Bible. My brother and sister-in-law gave us the NT on cd's so that we can listen to it.

**Scripture memorization. I have wanted to do this for several years, but quite frankly my brain is getting old and I don't/can't memorize like I use to. I am going to use this system.

**Scrapbook more to catch up on my albums.

**My word for 2009 will be "patience". Patience has always been a hard thing for me. I am a very impatient person. Patience with people and myself will be my focus for the year.

**My goal is to blog about my goals! I will try to update how I am doing from time to time. It will keep me accountable which is good.


  1. Sounds good, Debbie! I think for me (and hopefully you, too) blogging does help me kind of keep things going. It is almost like an accountability thing...if you want to keep blogging about something, hopefully that helps you to keep doing it, etc. Anyway, I can't explain that very well, but I just wanted to say that I do think blogging is an aid to this kind of thing - goals, etc.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Those are wonderful goals!! :0) I love that you have word for the year, my word would be 'listen'. I also am very intrigued by the Bible memory system. Thanks for sharing!! :0)

  3. Way to go on getting through the Bible, Debbie!

    Praying that you will be diligent with your goals and that God will bless you as you achieve them.


  4. One of my goals is to go through the Bible in chronilogical order this year with my church. they have started a blog for this study. I am so looking forward to it. Great goals.
